Creating index pattern


i have the log format as below,
log file:

pid: 1131 start: 0 stacksize: 0 breaksize: 9 command: tuned arguments: /usr/bin/python -Es /usr/sbin/tuned -l -P
pid: 1163 start: 0 stacksize: 0 breaksize: 11 command: redis-server arguments: /usr/bin/redis-server *:100:

filter in logstash.conf file

else if [log_type] == "pro_logs" {
dissect { mapping => {'message' => '%{pro_id->} %{start->} %{stack_size->} %{breaksize_val->} %{command->} %{msg->}'}}

is this filter correct, because i am not able to see the proper parsed output in kibana for this log file.

No, it is not correct. Try

dissect { mapping => { "message" => "pid: %{pid} start: %{start} stacksize: %{stacksize} breaksize: %{breaksize} command: %{command} arguments: %{arguments}" } }

Thanks @Badger the solution didn't solve my problem though, i am using below filter with grok RE.

grok { match => { "message" => "%{DATA}: %{INT:pid_value} %{DATA}: %{INT:start} %{DATA}: %{INT:stacksize} %{DATA}: %{INT:breaksize} %{DATA}: %{WORD:command_val} %{DATA}: %{WORD:argument_val} %{GREEDYDATA:args}" }


  • input_type: log
    #- /home/vankata/190_APS_QUALIFICATION/kalyan_elk_logs/new_working_dir/Process_heap*.txt
    • /home/vankata/190_APS_QUALIFICATION/kalyan_elk_logs/new_working_dir/test_dir/Process_heap*.txt
      encoding: utf-8
      fields_under_root: true
      document_type: log
      service_name: pro
      app_name: cfx_perf_logs
      log_type: pro_logs

Process_heap_09_09_23_40.txt Process_heap_09_09_07_40.txt these two files present in the log directory.

file diff between above files..

Problems that i am facing with above configurations
1._grokparsefailure for both the file inputs initially.

2.If the log directory consists more than 50 files, index pattern is not done properly.
this doesnt have index for icscf where as input file has an entry for the same.
[root@perfDatastore new_working_dir]# cat Process_heap_09_09_21_40.txt |grep icscf | more
pid: 25925 start: 0 stacksize: 0 breaksize: 17 command: icscf arguments: IMS_ICSCF01 -n IMS_CMPROXY
pid: 25926 start: 0 stacksize: 0 breaksize: 19 command: icscf arguments: IMS_ICSCF02 -n IMS_CMPROXY
pid: 25927 start: 0 stacksize: 0 breaksize: 17 command: icscf arguments: IMS_ICSCF03 -n IMS_CMPROXY

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