For a project, I am importing data of person in a database (id, first name, last name, ...). I am using logstash for that using configuration file like this one .... (see below).
Then, I would like to import a parent/child relationship. I have simple csv files mapping parent id to child id.
Later on, I would like to produce nice parent/child graph .... Is it possible? How to can import the relationship csv file using logstash?
Thanks a lot for your support,
input {
_ file {_
_ path => "/tmp/data/*req.csv.csv"
_ start_position => "beginning"_
_ sincedb_path => "/dev/null"_
_ }_
_ stdin {_
_ codec => multiline {_
_ pattern => "^/"_
_ what => "next"_
_ }_
_ }_
filter {
_ csv {_
_ separator => ";"_
_ columns => ["UID","PUID","IBA Feature","IBA Applicable Platform","Created By","Created On","Level","Object Text"]_
_ }_
_ mutate {convert => ["Level", "integer"] }_
output {
_ elasticsearch {_
_ hosts => ["" ]_
_ index => "doors"_
_ document_type => "requirements"_
_ }_