CSV output plugin


I am trying to take the output of parsed input file into a csv file.I am using logstash 5.1.1 version.

Here is my output configuration:-

{ path => "/root/output/logstash/csvdata.csv"
fields => ["Date","ErrorCode" , "ErrorMessage"]

stdout { codec => "json"}

It seems that input file has parsed properly as i am able to see the json output on console but output csv file is not getting generated.

I searched on net and it seems that there is some issue with logstash version 5 and logstash 2.3 gives proper result.

If so what is the workaround for logstash version 5.1.1 and should i use logstash 2.3 to generate the csv file

Please advice for the same.


Hi ,

CSV file got generated but it took around 30 minutes .

Similary I parsed 4 log files of around 12kb but the csv file generation is taking so much time that i have to kill the process in between.

I have to parse 1000 files of around 12kb and if it will take this much of time for just 4 files how i will be able to see the data for 1000 files.

Here is my filter :-

{ if "XYZ::BaseException" in [message]

output {
csv {
path => "/output/data.csv"
codec =>json
stdout { codec => "json"}


Please advice for the same


How can we help you ? 30 minuts ist definitly long time, but we have no idea about your configuration, where are you running logstash ? How much memory. Which version ? Can we have some debug logs, memory and host resources ?



Thanks pts0,

I am using CentOs 7 linux OS
filebeat-5.1.1 , logstash-5.1.1 , elasticsearch-5.1.1,kibana-5.1.1-x86_64 all are installed on single instance of CentOS OS.

But presently i am using only filebeat and logstash and want to save the output of logstash in a csv file.

CentOs details -

CPU op-mode(s) : 32-bit, 64-bit
CPU(s) : 2
CPU MHz: 2333.000

output og free -h
total used free share buff/cache
Mem: 3.4G 2.6G 687M 7.3M 219M
Swap : 3.6G 411 3.2G

sample Text of logstash-plain.log

starting server on port :5443
starting pipeline
pipeline main started
successfully started logstah API
opening file{ path => "/out/csvdata.csv"}

If this much of information is sufficent.

Please advice for the same


Difficult to track the bottleneck here.
I would try to upgrade to newest version 5.4.1, if is not too much work.
Then check routing, connection to port and so on. I don't think is slow due to server performance, is more a settings problem.

Thanks pts0

Issue has resolevd there was some error in conf file.

Hi ,

I am using file output plugin to save data in csv file.
{ path => "D:/file.csv"
codec => line { format => "%{field1}, %{field2}, %{field3}"}

This works fine if i am using using single grok filter .

In my senario there are 3 grok filter, each grok is giving me a field.
e.g i am getting field1 through 1st grok , field2 through 2 and field3 throgh 3 , now when i am using same file output to save data in csv file . data is not properly formated and %{field} word is also coming multiple times.

So my question is how can i save data from multiple grok in a csv line file

Richa Gautam

Hi ,

I am using csv filter after grok filter to save output in a csv file but its giving me classcastexception:StringBiValue cannot be cast to java.lang.String


cloumns => ["path" ,"filename", "error","errodesc"]
separator => ","

path => "/file.csv"
fields => ["path" ,"filename", "error","errodesc"]
csv_option => ["col_sep" => "," "row_sep" => "\n"]

Can i use this csv filter to after grok to save data in csv format.

Pelase advice


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