Curator doesn't purge Data

Remove --dry-run from your command line, and the deletes will happen. --dry-run means to show what would happen, but not actually do the changes.

And I keep the DEBUG ?

Thank you it is working !!

Keeping DEBUG logging is up to you.

Do I have to do every time :

curator --config ~/.curator/curator.yml  ~/.curator/action.yml

to purge the database, there is no way to make it work automatically ?

Use cron to automate.

Also, with your curator.yml in ~/.curator, you don't need to specify it when running as yourself. Your command line should still work just fine as:

curator ~/.curator/action.yml
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Can you show me how to use cron with the right way to make it work correctly please ?

I did :

crontab -e

I write :

0 23 * * * curator ~/.curator/action.yml
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So long as cron knows the system path to the curator binary, it should work.

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