Custom Unpack for configuration

I'm working on a beat where I have currently in my configuration an array of string like this:

  - FieldName
  - AnotherFieldName

What I would like is the ability to optionally provide a type tag, like so:

    - FieldName
    - name: AnotherFieldName
    - type: int

Essentially I want to define my configuration structure so that if it is a string it uses that as the name parameter of my struct, otherwise it reads the name and type tags. A field is defined like this:

type Field struct {
    Name string 'config:"name"`
    Type string 'config:"type"`

and the config like this:

type Config struct {
    Fields []Field `config:"fields"`

I had considered implementing the Unpacker interface for a Field, checking if it was a string and setting the name, but then I wanted to call the default Unpack for the struct if it wasn't a string but I can't work out how to do this.

Is there a way of either

  1. Defining the conversion with tags
  2. calling the default Unpack for the field


Hello @tomkirk,

As you mention, you can implement the Unpacker interface. If I understood what you try to achieve correctly, I think you might not need to fallback to the original Unpack method with something like:

type cfg struct {
    Fields []field `config:"fields"`

type field struct {
    Name string `config:"name"`
    Type string `config:"type"`

func (f *field) Unpack(v interface{}) error {
	switch tv := v.(type) {
	case string:
		*f = field{
			Name: tv,
	case map[string]interface{}:
		n, _ := tv["name"].(string)
		t, _ := tv["type"].(string)
        // additional checks if needed
		*f = field{
			Name: n,
			Type: t,
		return errors.New("unexpected type")
	return nil

Hope it helps!

Thanks for your reply.

The reason why I wanted to fallback to the original Unpack was to prevent the need to explicitly check each field. I was hoping that I could just use the config tags to do it for me. That way if I want another parameter in the future I can define it like the other configuration settings. Is that not possible?

It is possible, in that case you will need to embed your field type in another one used just to do the Unpack, otherwise you will end up having a stack overflow from recursive Unpack calls:

type cfg struct {
	Fields []cfgfield `config:"fields"`

type cfgfield struct {
type field struct {
	Name string `config:"name"`
	Type string `config:"type"`

func (f *cfgfield) Unpack(v interface{}) error {
	switch tv := v.(type) {
	case string:
		*f = cfgfield{
			field: field{
				Name: tv,
		cfg, err := ucfg.NewFrom(v)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		field := field{}
		if err := cfg.Unpack(&field); err != nil {
			return err
		*f = cfgfield{field: field}
	return nil

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

That looks like what I need. How would I go about getting access to the ucfg package inside my beat? The one I am working on isn't using go modules, but glide. I currently have my glide.yaml as:

package: .
- package:
  version: v7.1.1
  - /libbeat/beat
  - libbeat/cfgfile
  - libbeat/common
  - libbeat/logp

Is there a way to use the ucfg that is used inside that version of libbeat?


I am not sure if that is what you mean, but ucfg refers to elastic/go-ucfg which is a module of its own so I guess by adding it as another imported package should do the trick.

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