Customised Grok pattern

I m new to ELK. Can someone help me how to create a customized grok pattern for my logs.
Also is there any filter which I can use for (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss) format which I can use as my logs have this type of time stamp.

Hello @Gaurav_Agarwal,

Can you tell me what type of logs you are receiving, i mean what is the device type ?

Thanks & Regards,

2018/02/06 08:00:00,071 | apt | mbs | INFO | 1-1967 | | | Message app_ib_eu1_2a-37063-1516115745868-1:52847:2:1:16 dispatched to consumer app_fom_eu1_3a-45305-1514429332298-1:98182:10:1
2018/02/06 08:00:00,071 | aptmucap003 | mb | INFO | 1-1991667 | m.j.out | | {"ActiveMQMessage":{"jmstimestamp":1517904000061,"jmsmessageID":"app_ib_eu1_2a-37063-1516115745868-1:52847:2:1:16","jmscorrelationID":null,"jmsdestination":{"QualifiedName":"topic://topic.ext.event.update.V1","PhysicalName":"topic.ext.event.update.V1"},"jmsdeliveryMode":"PERSISTENT","jmsredelivered":false,"jmstype":null,"jmsexpiration":1517904900069,"jmspriority":4,"properties":{"deliveredBy":"ib.broker1_app_mb_eu1_1a","leg_type":"DEPARTURE","legs_ref_airport":"APT_CPH","apt_customer_id":"AITA-CPH","apt_correlation_id":"56f772b1-67b0-463a-9359-78f886c55c0a","peerOrigin":"tcp://","apt_transaction_originator":"COOPANS"}},"MessageDispatch":{"redeliveryCounter":0,"consumerId":"app_fom_eu1_3a-45305-1514429332298-1:98182:10:1","dataStructureType":21,"deliverySequenceId":0,"rollbackCause":"","destination":"queue://clustered.fom.topic.ext.event.update.V1","commandId":0}}
2018/02/06 08:00:00,071 | aptmucap003 | mb | INFO | 1-1991583 | | | {"jmstimestamp":1517904000061,"jmsmessageID":"app_ib_eu1_2a-37063-1516115745868-1:52847:2:1:16","jmscorrelationID":null,"jmsdestination":{"QualifiedName":"topic://topic.ext.event.update.V1","PhysicalName":"topic.ext.event.update.V1"},"jmsdeliveryMode":"PERSISTENT","jmsredelivered":false,"jmstype":null,"jmsexpiration":1517932800061,"jmspriority":4,"properties":{"deliveredBy":"ib.broker1_app_mb_eu1_1a","leg_type":"DEPARTURE","legs_ref_airport":"APT_CPH","apt_customer_id":"AITA-CPH","apt_correlation_id":"56f772b1-67b0-463a-9359-78f886c55c0a","peerOrigin":"tcp://","apt_transaction_originator":"COOPANS"}}

this is one log file example

I was using **%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} |%{HOSTNAME:hostname} | %{DATA:application} | %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} | 1-%{DATA:thread:int} | %{DATA:class} |%{DATA:corr} |%{GREEDYDATA:msg}"
as the grok match but it is not able to take the timestamp.
As the timestamp format for ISO8601 is YYYY-MM-DD and not what I require .
So is there a technique through which I can replace '-' by '/' in same ISO8601 or if u can suggest a possible pattern which I can use to match the logs.



you can parse with separator |

in kv plugin you can use field_split => "|" either value_split => "|"

%{CISCOTIMESTAMP:date} %{HOSTNAME:hostname} | %{DATA:application} | %{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} *| 1-%{DATA:thread:int} | %{DATA:class} *|%{DATA:corr} |%{GREEDYDATA:msg}
It did not work with this can u suggest if any changes are required


your log is in .JSON format ?

it is .logs only just that the time stamp is different from general the dates consist of a forward slash


This log easily parse by only json filter

this part of the log is not necessarily important what i want is loglevel and the timestamp so could you suggest me any filter for timestamp

2018/02/06 08:00:00,071
%{DATESTAMP} this is work fine but output in first 2 char is erase showing like this 18/02/06 08:00:00,071

Yes I used it already the thing is these logs have huge dependence on the timestamp and there are many graphs on the UI which are to be plotted in accordance with the timestamp.
So can you suggest how the customize grok model works as in how can I use patterns_dir in my favour.

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