Customize `value_serializerer ` for the

Hi all,

I am currently trying to leverage the Kafka output plugin and one of the options it exposes is the value_serializerer field

Sadly, the docs do not specify how to customize this value with a custom JAR (ie: com.myrg.mySerializer)

Do you know if this is possible?

It is not. The output validates value_serializer and if it doesn't like the value it logs

'value_serializer' only supports org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer and org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer

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Thanks for pointing this out

I was trying to apply a data transformation before the data is inserted into Kafka while leaving the original data unaltered for other output plugins (I have multiple entries)

Typically, that's where custom a value_serializerer would come into the picture

Is there any native/recommended method to do this in Logstash?

You might be able to use pipeline-to-pipeline communication with a forked-path pattern if want to do some processing just for one output.