Cyclic reference eror while dissecting source.nat.port

i all!

I get the following output when starting filebeat with one processor:

{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2022-11-23T13:29:24.875+0100","log.origin":{"":"instance/beat.go","file.line":1057},"message":"Exiting: error initializing processors: cyclic reference detected for key: 'source.nat.port' accessing 'processors.0.dissect.tokenizer' (source:'filebeat-bug.yml')",
Exiting: error initializing processors: cyclic reference detected for key: 'source.nat.port' accessing 'processors.0.dissect.tokenizer' (source:'filebeat-bug.yml')

The processor config is simplified here (I have more fields to be dissected):

# ================================= Processors =================================
  - dissect:
      tokenizer: "NatIP %{source.nat.ip|ip}:${source.nat.port|integer}"
      overwrite_keys: true

Any ideas?
Seems like a bug.

There have been another cyclic reference issue in the past :

filebeat version: 8.5.1 windows zip

Should have been : "%{source.nat.port|integer}" (no $ at srart)


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