Date filter year not parsing correctly

This is my sample log line

2021-06-28 10:25:29.537695 traceID=d283c222257e0e92ba97269a5f780d81 spanID=f46645e821cb4dab A4 LG 4 Logger.cpp:250 - Configuring log file: /home/rxm/log/latest/2021-06-28-102529-log-%3N.log Archival path: /home/rxm/log/latest/

2021-06-28 10:25:29.537837 traceID=d283c222257e0e92ba97269a5f780d81 spanID=f46645e821cb4dab A4 LG 5 RxBaseNode.cpp:4475 - Log root folder: ---------- /home/rxm/log/latest/

2021-06-28 10:25:29.537861 traceID=d283c222257e0e92ba97269a5f780d81 spanID=f46645e821cb4dab A4 LG 6 RxBaseNode.cpp:450 - Configuration root folder:- /home/rxm/config/

And this is my Config.

filter {
  grok {
    match => {
      "message" => "%{DATESTAMP:logdate} traceID=%{WORD:traceID} spanID=%{WORD:spanID} %{GREEDYDATA:msg}"
  date {
    match => [ "logdate" , "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS" ]
    target => "@timestamp"

But the date filter is parsing the log date incorrectly as


Here is the output

      "@version" => "1",
    "@timestamp" => 0021-06-28T04:32:01.537Z,
          "host" => "LTM-PKRISHNAN.Dlink",
          "type" => "newapiserver",
        "spanID" => "f46645e821cb4dab",
       "message" => "2021-06-28 10:25:29.537 traceID=d283c222257e0e92ba97269a5f780d81 spanID=f46645e821cb4dab A4 LG 6 RxBaseNode.cpp:450 - Configuration root folder:- /home/rxm/config/",
          "path" => "/Users/pkrishnan/Node-Apps/my-node-example/logs/newapiserver.log",
       "logdate" => "21-06-28 10:25:29.537",
           "msg" => "A4 LG 6 RxBaseNode.cpp:450 - Configuration root folder:- /home/rxm/config/",
       "traceID" => "d283c222257e0e92ba97269a5f780d81"

Why is the timestamp having a date in which I get 0021 for the year instead of 2021. This is puzzling

The error is in your grok, the output of your logdate field is wrong, your year only have two digits.:

"logdate" => "21-06-28 10:25:29.537"

The DATESTAMP pattern is not the correct one for the date format you have, you shoud use the TIMESTAMP_ISO8601 pattern, this will correctly parse your date.

You can check the patterns here.

As Leandro says, this is the wrong pattern. It matches DATE_EU or DATE_US. In this case it will match DATE_EU - 21-06-28, which is 21st June 1928. If you had anchored your pattern ^%{DATESTAMP:logdate} (which is always a good thing) then the grok would have failed to match.


@leandrojmp @Badger
Thank you. It parses fine now to this:

        "spanID" => "f46645e821cb4dab",
          "host" => "LTM-PKRISHNAN.Dlink",
       "traceID" => "d283c222257e0e92ba97269a5f780d81",
      "@version" => "1",
       "message" => "2021-06-28 10:25:29.537911 traceID=d283c222257e0e92ba97269a5f780d81 spanID=f46645e821cb4dab A4 LG 9 Parameter.cpp:55 - Parameter group systemConfig successfully registered.",
          "type" => "newapiserver",
           "msg" => "A4 LG 9 Parameter.cpp:55 - Parameter group systemConfig successfully registered.",
    "@timestamp" => 2021-06-28T04:55:29.537Z,
          "path" => "/Users/pkrishnan/Node-Apps/my-node-example/logs/newapiserver.log",
       "logdate" => "2021-06-28 10:25:29.537911"

The difference in time is due to 'timezone' and I can add that. Thank you!
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