Date parsing with am:pm and timezone

The date in my logs looks like that:

Nov 5, 2017 11:06:30 PM CST

I tried to parse it like that:

date {
                      match => [ "timestamp" , "MMM dd, yyyy KK:mm:ss aa Z" ]

or like that:

date {
                      match => [ "timestamp" , "MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss aa Z" ]

But still getting the error:

[1] "_dateparsefailure"

What is the right way to parse this date format?


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According to the docs, valid timezones are listed on this page, and CST is not one of them. Is that the same as CST6CDT?

mutate { gsub => [ "message", "CST", "CST6CDT" ] }
date { match => [ "message", "MMM d, yyyy HH:mm:ss a ZZZ" ] }

Yes, it is the same , but still : "_dateparsefailure"

I tried few ways including yours.

  mutate {
                gsub => [ "timestamp", "CST", "CST6CDT" ]
            date {
                  match => [ "timestamp", "MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aa Z" ]


I think I found the issue. Will let you know.

Looks your answer was good.

Your answer was actually perfect.

(I had two different timestamp fields in same events with same name)

Thanks a lot

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