Day of the week with non UTC timestamps

Hi everyone,
I have logs in a dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss format using the CET timezone, and I am trying to extract the Day of the week for CET and not UTC.
We used this at first

date {
  match => [ "date", "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss" ]
  timezone => "Europe/Paris"
mutate {
  add_field => {"dow" => "%{+EEEE}"}

But realized that any logs that happened between 00:00AM and 00:59 AM would get the "dow" field set to the previous day (which is logical since it's still the same day in UTC time). For some reason I don't understand, Logstash corrects the time and sends it in UTC when it could be sending it with the timezone delta (Z+0100).

We found an ugly way to trick logstash by making it believe all logs were in UTC before injecting "dow" and then correcting the timestamps.

date {
  match => [ "date", "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss" ]
  timezone => "UTC"
  add_field => {"dow" => "%{+EEEE}"}

date {
  match => [ "date", "dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss" ]
  target => "@timestamp"
  timezone => "Europe/Paris"

This is certainly not the best way to do this and I was wondering if the community could help me figure out a cleaner way?

Bonus points if there's a way to change the day of week from english to any other language without having to resort to a translate filter :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. The locale option seems to be usable only for parsing, and not for outputting %{+EEEE}

Any help is much appreciated.

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Actually I think it is. sprintf references use @timestamp, which is expected to be in UTC. There is an issue about being able to specify locale/timezone for a sprintf reference, but it has been inactive for years.

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