Its mentioned in the documentation for avro codec plugin that there is 'an unique method for deserializing an avro file'.Can anyone please provide me a sample snippet on how to process it in logstash using file input?
I tried using the following ,but it does not seem to work
input {
file {
path => "../ELK/backup_avro_file/twitter.avro"
type => "avro"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "null"
stdin {
codec => avro {
schema_uri => "../ELK/backup_avro_file/twitter.avsc"
stdout {
codec => rubydebug
It posts data to output only once,but that too without deserialisation (probably because I havent added any code for deserialising it as in the case we do for kakfa).Guessing since this considers it as an single avro record.
Thanks in advance!