Distributed traces not working for RUM js and java backend with VueJs/Springboot

We have instrumented our VueJs front end with RUM js agent via GTM.
Added following code

RUM data capturing works fine. But we dont see correlation between RUM data and java agent APM data.
Sprint boot application java agent transactions has correlation to downstream services (API)
Could you help with whats need to be done to get correlated transaction? As we are adding js with html back to client, does java agent needs to add traceparent for RUM to use as traceID?
Document has section for dynamically generated HTML config (Distributed Tracing | APM Real User Monitoring JavaScript Agent Reference [5.x] | Elastic). But its not clear how do we get pageloadtraceid and pageloadspanID. Do we need to make any changes to application code?

Appreciate your help


Hi @senyam08,

Yes you would need to inject the RUM agent on the server side (java) to get the correlation working.

It would look like the example listed on this page - Public API | APM Java Agent Reference [1.x] | Elastic.

To get the current transaction, you can use ElasticApm.currentTransaction() and add the details. Please do let us know if you have other questions.


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