Django log format| grok things | need help

Get: [u'push_id=', u'vendor=ziyou', u'platform=iPhone', u'app=7', u'height=568', u'width=320', u'version=2.0.3', u'app_ver=2.0.3', u'phoneType=iPhone', u'systemVer=9.2.1', u'device_id=0baaa6972b5d41a5900dc76c94b4aba6']

what i need is to extract

  1. GET --> get
  2. height --> height
  3. systemVer --> systemVer

i find Get: [%{NOTSPACE:get}] to extract get
but i could not extract height and systemVer
please help me ~~

Can't you get Django to output logs in JSON format? That'd be much easier to parse.

can grok support what i want?

Sure it can.

please give me an example~