DNS lookup how to drop log filed if not resolved?


I am running logstash 6.8

I am taking all Src_Ip addresses and doing a reverse DNS lookup through the DNS plugin in logstash.

Logstash YML

  if [src_ip]  {
      mutate {
        add_field => {"DNS_Name" => "%{src_ip}"}
      dns {
        reverse => ["DNS_Name"]
        action => "replace"

is there any way for if the IP address does not resolve back to a hostname for that field "DNS_Name" to be blank?

example dropping the field names DNS field name from because it is not resolving to anything.


Compare the src_ip and DNS_Name fields and mutate the DNS_Name if it is equal to the src_ip?

could you give me an example of that. i am getting my butt handed to me by logstash

The comparison would just be

if [src_ip] == [DNS_Name] {

If you want to delete the field then

mutate { remove_field => [ "DNS_Name" ] }

or if you want it to be an empty string

mutate { replace => { "DNS_Name" => "" } }


changed the yml to

 if [src_ip] == [DNS_Name] { 
      mutate {
        add_field => {"DNS_Name" => "%{src_ip}"}
      mutate { replace => { "DNS_Name" => "" } }
      dns {
        reverse => ["DNS_Name"]
        action => "replace"


I now I think i broke it :smiley:
Now it is just blanking out the DNS Name even when it can be resolved.

dns {
    reverse => ["DNS_Name"]
    action => "replace"
if [src_ip] == [DNS_Name] {
    mutate { replace => { "DNS_Name" => "" } }

You are a are a god!

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