DNS Sink hole logstash config file filter

Hi Guys,

I have pfsense 2.3 and have configured DNS resolver or sinkhole on the same. In short I have zone files which when query is matched that request will be sinkholed. This procedure is absolutely fine now I need to collect those logs and present a nice dashboard but before that I need to build logstash config file.

Can some one plss help me with logstash config file for below logs? I am completely clueless here.

Here are the DNS resolver logs.

Time Process PID Message
Sep 3 19:41:58 named 33194 queries: info: client @0x803066200 (cisco.com): view cleandns: query: cisco.com IN A +E(0)K (
Sep 3 19:41:45 named 33194 queries: info: client @0x80306d000 (gmail.com): view cleandns: query: gmail.com IN MX +E(0)K (
Sep 3 19:21:17 named 33194 queries: info: client @0x80306d000 (zzzha.com): view cleandns: query: zzzha.com IN A +E(0)K (
Sep 3 19:19:17 named 33194 queries: info: client @0x80306d000 (zzztech.com): view cleandns: query: zzztech.com IN AAAA + (
Sep 3 19:19:17 named 33194 queries: info: client @0x80306d000 (zzztech.com): view cleandns: query: zzztech.com IN A + (
Sep 3 19:19:17 named 33194 queries: info: client @0x80306d000 (zzztech.com): view cleandns: query: zzztech.com IN AAAA + (
Sep 3 19:19:16 named 33194 queries: info: client @0x803066200 (zzztech.com): view cleandns: query: zzztech.com IN A + (

What's the expected result of parsing these logs?

Well, for time being I would like to collect domain names which are queried and then client who is querying that is IP address just before # like

So I need to know here

TYpe i.e. A, MX, AAAA,
Client IP

In these logs zzzha.com is a malicious domain queried by

Have you look into the grok filter? If you're not familiar with grok expressions (which are essentially regular expressions) you can use the grok constructor web site.

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