Hi Guys,
I have a DNS Sinkhole built on pfsense and its logging DNS resolver logs. Can someone please help me with grok filters for below logs so that I can start building a good dashboards from those? Since this is sinkhole I need to find out the source IP addresses visited the malware domains or which are sinkholed which domains are contacted and other logs.
Here are other logs
Jul 27 23:19:04 labdnsdefend named[77540]: queries: info: client @0x849893a00 (mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn): view cleandns: query: mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn IN A +E(0)D (
Jul 27 23:19:04 labdnsdefend named[77540]: general: warning: checkhints: view cleandns: b.root-servers.net/AAAA (2001:500:200::b) missing from hints
Jul 27 23:19:04 labdnsdefend named[77540]: general: warning: checkhints: view cleandns: b.root-servers.net/AAAA (2001:500:84::b) extra record in hints
Jul 27 23:19:10 labdnsdefend named[77540]: queries: info: client @0x804436c00 ( view cleandns: query: IN PTR +E(0)D (
Jul 27 23:19:10 labdnsdefend named[77540]: general: warning: checkhints: view cleandns: b.root-servers.net/AAAA (2001:500:200::b) missing from hints
Jul 27 23:19:10 labdnsdefend named[77540]: general: warning: checkhints: view cleandns: b.root-servers.net/AAAA (2001:500:84::b) extra record in hints
Jul 27 23:19:11 labdnsdefend named[77540]: queries: info: client @0x805839e00 (thehackernews.com): view cleandns: query: thehackernews.com IN A +E(0)D (