Hello there,
i am trying to get my host metrics forwarded through my metricbeat in a docker container.
I mounted all the neccecary directories, as shown in the docs here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/metricbeat/current/running-on-docker.html
This results in the following compose file:
container_name: metricbeat
build: ${PWD}/config/metricbeat
restart: always
user: root
- /proc:/hostfs/proc:ro
- /sys/fs/cgroup:/hostfs/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
- /:/hostfs:ro
- /var/run:/var/run #needs to connect to docker.sock in /var/run
- push-network
command: metricbeat -e -system.hostfs=/hostfs
Metricbeat collects all metrics via the system module.
Config looks like this:
- module: system
- cpu # CPU usage
- load # CPU load averages
- memory # Memory usage
- network # Network IO
- process # Per process metrics
- process_summary # Process summary
- uptime # System Uptime
- socket_summary # Socket summary
#- core # Per CPU core usage
#- diskio # Disk IO
#- filesystem # File system usage for each mountpoint
#- fsstat # File system summary metrics
#- raid # Raid
#- socket # Sockets and connection info (linux only)
enabled: true
period: 20s
processes: ['.*']
In Discover I can only see the metrics of the Metricbeat container, not the host. The field host.name always only contains the docker container ID, not the host name.
It would be great if someone could help me out there. Thanks y'all