Does Custom spans takes latency?

Hi all,

i am using elk version 7.17.1. i have to add custom span for redis, rabbitmq and mongodb in code(express nodejs application).

  1. does enterprise edition provide this feature automatically?
  2. how much latency it takes if i don't take enterprise edition and add custom span in my code for redis, rabbitmq and mongodb.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Amol_Nagotkar,

Can you confirm how you are capturing the custom spans? Are you using OTel or the Elastic Node.js APM agent?

Hi ma'am

thank you for the quick reply.
i am using Elastic Node.js APM agent currently.

in cases OTel also i have to add custom span in my express nodejs application ??

Hi @Amol_Nagotkar,

Thanks for the detail. For redis, rabbitmq and mongodb are you using the respective JS-packages to connect with your DB? Or another mechanism. I do see Redis and MongoDB client support listed in the compatible technologies for the agent, subject to version compatibility:

For Redis and MongoDB provided you are using compatible versions of the referenced libraries queries will be captured. I don't see anything listed for Rabbit-MQ. These capabilities should be available on the free tier.

Hope that helps!