Duplicated data in index

I have a problem that sometime during uploading to elastic data with eventType number has a difrent date then it has in the file, This is suspicious that metadata has been changed somewhere, I guess that logstash are reading the next file (from the day ahead). What actually happens is, it continues to parse the next file before reading the last line of the previous one.

this is my pipeline:

input {
    file {
        mode => read
        path => "/opt/data/input/*.txt"
        sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
        #sincedb_path => "/usr/share/logstash/data/sincedb/sincedb"
        start_position => beginning
        file_completed_action => "log_and_delete"
        file_completed_log_path => "/opt/data/logstash_files/fin_eir.log"
        #sincedb_write_interval => 3
        codec => multiline { pattern => "^#" negate => true max_lines => 50000 what => previous  multiline_tag => "" }

filter {
    mutate { remove_field => [ "[event]", "log" ] }
    if "# snapshot" in [message] {
         dissect {
            mapping => {
                "[message]" => "# %{activity},%{val},%{time}"
            remove_field => ["[message]"]
        date {
                match => ["time", "yyyyMMddHHmmss"]
                timezone => "Europe/Paris"
        ruby { code => '@@metadata = event.get("@timestamp")' }
         # mutate { add_field => { "eventType" => "Header" } }
        drop {}
    } else if "# Network Entities" in [message] {
    mutate { add_field => { "eventType" => "Network Entities" } }
        split { field => "message" }
        if [message] !~ /^#/ {
            csv { columns => ["ID","Type","PCType","PC","GC","RI","SSN","CCGT","NTT","NNAI","NNP","DA","SRFIMSI"]
        ruby { code => 'event.set("@timestamp", @@metadata)' }

    } else if "# DNs" in [message] {
      mutate { add_field => { "eventType" => "DNs" } }
        split { field => "message" }
        if [message] !~ /^#/ {
            csv { columns => ["DN","IMSI","PT","SP","RN","VMS","GRN","ASD","ST","NSDN","CGBL","CDBL"]
             ruby { code => 'event.set("@timestamp", @@metadata)' }

    } else if "# DN Blocks" in [message] {
      mutate { add_field => { "eventType" => "DN Blocks" } }
        split { field => "message" }
        if [message] !~ /^#/ {
            csv { columns => ["BDN","EDN","PT","SP","RN","VMS","GRN","ASD","ST","NSDN","CGBL","CDBL"]
            ruby { code => 'event.set("@timestamp", @@metadata)' }
    } else if "# NUMBERs" in [message] {
      mutate { add_field => {"eventType" => "NUMBERs"}}
        split { field => "message" }
        if [message] !~ /^#/ {
            csv { columns => ["NUMBERs","SVN","WHITE","GRAY","BLACK"]
           ruby { code => 'event.set("@timestamp", @@metadata)' }
    } else {
  mutate { add_field => { "eventType" => "IMEI Blocks" } }
 ruby { code => 'event.set("@timestamp", @@metadata)' }
mutate {
        remove_field => [ "host", "count", "fields", "@version", "input_type", "source", "tags", "type", "time", "path", "activity", "val", "message"]

and some part of file

# snapshot,68813395,20221018044504

large file was divided into pieces with the maximum number of 50 000 lines

I've found the root cause. The option with "log_and_delete" was causing that file had removed before parsing to elastic (and the logstash grabbed the next file) it's looks like a bug.
Env: logstash on docker in ver 8.2.1

When I'm using the option file_completed_action => "log" it works as expected.

ahh today I saw another duplicated data for NUMBERs, can You help me what's wrong.
it seems that this event was added twice time to index.
but in sincedb.log I found only one entry for that file which consists this data, so how it works that iteration?

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