Ecs metrics

I have a metricbeat running on one place which is generating following metrics

but at different place (same version metricbeat) but different elastic cluster is not producting this metric. How do I enable this.

I read that it is ECS metrics

system module
network metircset

hmm, I already have that enable. I will try getting one container for testing to see what is happening.

- module: system
  period: 1m
    - cpu
    - load
    - memory
    - network
    - process_summary
    - process

does this matric works only for container?

I would say opposite I would expect to when metricbeat is run directly on a host or full vm... But perhaps not in a thin container

This might not be related to your issue but just as a heads up -- I took a brief look at the code and it might be the case that the very first network metric emitted from the system network metrics excludes the* fields. When a minute passes and the second network metricset is emitted it should contain the* fields.

The Operating System reports these values as counters that always increase but the host metricset reports deltas so we have to wait to see 2 values before we can calculate and report a delta.

Can you share the metricbeat config as well as example network documents from each cluster?

in my test, I am receiving host.disk.write.bytes and but not getting network. (using v8.5.3 for testing)

both config are identical. most probably the way both container has deploy or how they running metricbeat. I have contacted our local system admin guys to find out what are the difference between two deployment. where I get data from one but not from other.


Corrected Below.

I see the* fields in a document on my Mac running macOS 14.6.1 (23G93)


  path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml

  reload.enabled: false

  pretty: true


- module: system
  period: 10s
    - network

Will print a document for each interface and a summary document with the* fields:

  "@timestamp": "2024-12-11T21:52:33.659Z",
  "@metadata": {
    "beat": "metricbeat",
    "type": "_doc",
    "version": "8.16.1"
  "event": {
    "module": "system",
    "duration": 17273208,
    "dataset": ""
  "metricset": {
    "period": 10000,
    "name": "network"
  "service": {
    "type": "system"
  "host": {
    "name": "",
    "network": {
      "ingress": {
        "bytes": 5479,
        "packets": 40
      "egress": {
        "packets": 210,
        "bytes": 87902
  "ecs": {
    "version": "8.0.0"
  "agent": {
    "type": "metricbeat",
    "version": "8.16.1",
    "ephemeral_id": "cd61d6fb-25c6-4263-8130-78e3d7c750f1",
    "id": "368def15-35c4-4d4e-834e-7e9879a6b653",
    "name": ""

Metricbeat creates it so that the infrastructure UI in the observability solution can consistently show network data without having to rely on rate counters and without having to handle rollover of counters. I don't believe it's platform-specific.

Yup I see it now on my normal linux host... and my mac.

What makes it a bit odd... it is not in the exported field list for system module

It is only in the ECS fields.

this is so weird. I am running all kind of different test but I don't get

I do get means metricbeat is sending ECS stuff. but not network related data.

I am testing this by running logstash from command line and putting out put on screen.

I got my hand on metricbeat side, turn on debugging and got this

{"log.level":"debug","@timestamp":"2024-12-17T10:57:19.768-0600","log.logger":"publisher","log.origin":{"":"pipeline/client.go","file.line":226},"message":"Pipeline client receives callback 'onFilteredOut' for event: {Timestamp:2024-12-17 10:57:19.767232381 -0600 CST m=+60.264540632 Meta:null Fields:{\"event\":{\"dataset\":\"\",\"duration\":305362,\"module\":\"system\"},\"host\":{\"network\":{\"egress\":{\"bytes\":1084701432,\"packets\":183003},\"ingress\":{\"bytes\":2304547302,\"packets\":216275}}},\"metricset\":{\"name\":\"network\",\"period\":60000},\"service\":{\"type\":\"system\"}} Private:<nil> TimeSeries:true}","":"metricbeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

ecs.version:1.6.0. is this correct version?

I am still not getting this metric at logstash though

metricbeat is version 8.5.3

How have you determined that this metric is not available in Logstash


What causes that...

finally it is working. I have no access to container where metricbeat running hence it is hard to tell you what they did. But as I suspect they was using some old library and or configuration. I had to debug on logstash/elastic side and due to all these post I was confident on telling them that there is something not correct on metricbeat side.

Now I get all metric and ecs version is correct as well

 "ecs" => {
        "version" => "8.0.0"
"host" => {
           "name" => "host1",
        "network" => {
            "ingress" => {
                  "bytes" => 12066198482,
                "packets" => 862634
             "egress" => {
                  "bytes" => 64507225,
                "packets" => 837701
1 Like


What changed? What Config? Was it on the Metricbeat side?

yes on metricbeat side they just said they was using old config.

I ask for more specific. basically someone has started metricbeat on host system. they shut that down and kept only on VM. it was causing issue with it.