Elasitic Engineer 2 - Elastic Training


Wonder if you might be able to provide a bit of assistance.

I was completing 4.3 on Elastic Engineer 2, near the bottom it asks to change cluster.routing.allocation to force shard awareness based on which rack a node belongs to. However, it didn't go as expected and it gave me a 503 status error and none of the nodes could rejoin the cluster. I tried to resolve this via curl but it didn't work for me. Would you know that if this does happen that the cluster settings such as this can be altered via the command line with curl? I was inserting curl -PUT 'http://service1:9200/_cluster/settings - d '{ persistent:{ cluster:{ routing:{ } } }}' to try reset my settings.

As I couldn't find a way to resolve I reloaded the lab with the lab script for lab 4. When I have done this I was having an issue rejoining the cluster I think the nodes may need data folder cleared out and restarted. One of the nodes joins with an incorrect cluster uid.

Kind Regards,

Hi Chris,
after reloading the labs you get a new environment. Everything you have done or changed goes away. And a brand new cluster should be running. Maybe you can share more details of the problem (errors and screenshots).

With regards to the cluster setting, which settings were you trying to reset? The request you posted does not seem like a good one. You can always check if your settings were reset, by running GET _cluster/settings.

Async communication can take some time, specially as we can't have access to your cluster. Maybe you can join us at https://els.tc/slack in the #training channel.

Hi Chris

all as @pmusa said. Just that the last link he shared should read https://ela.st/slack. Please join the #training channel.


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