I am using zero code changes method for instrumenting my .net5/.netcore3.1 version applications with Elastic APM which uses the startuphook.dll
While observing some traces for same transaction performed in a time gap of around 5 mins it is been seen that I do not get the entire stack trace.
To elaborate more on this attaching screenshot of the traces I received for a delete transaction I performed.
Please find below details for the same:
This is the homepage of my application wherein the scenario is to insert a record and then delete the inserted record
Below is the stack trace which is the correct and the required one.
But if I perform the same transaction within a time gap of 5 minutes or even more, I do not get the exact traces.
For example the below ones :
Received only 1 query in the trace details of the same scenario performed
The traces I receive for the same transaction seems to be intermittent. Can anyone please provide suggestions /advise on the same to mitigate the issue.
My sample application uses PostgreSQL with package reference for the same as Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL version 3.1.3
Thanks in advance.