Kibana version: 7.5 on premise
Elasticsearch version: 7.5 on premise
APM Server version: 7.5 on premise
APM Agent language and version: Elastic.Apm.NetCoreAll - 1.3
Browser version: Chrome - newest
Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: NuGet
Fresh install or upgraded from other version? Fresh Install
Is there anything special in your setup? Nothing special about the APM Server
Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior. Please include screenshots (if relevant):
We are using Elastic Apm and MS Apllication Insight in our .Net Core MVC Projects. Just this morning we noticed, that Application insights starts spamming the Consol with message. These message are send to Azure and fill up our cloud storage. At first we thought this might happen becouse of older NuGet Versions of AppInsight or the Elastic.Apm we are using. After updating these packages the problem still persists. We tryed another application wich is not using Application Insight but log's into a file. In the file we see this entrys.
This pointed me to the Kibana part of the apm-server.yml configuration. I updated the apm-server.yml but we do still see these error's been spammed. Is there an error in the apm-server configuration?
Application Insight Errors in console:
A few secounds after starting the .net core web app you can see lots of App Insight events.
The Console LogLine seems to point at Elastic.Apm
"message":"{HttpDiagnosticListenerImplBase} Failed capturing request (failed to remove from ProcessingRequests) - This Span will be skipped in case it wasn't captured before. Request: method: POST, URL:",
"{OriginalFormat}":"{{{Scope}}} Failed capturing request (failed to remove from ProcessingRequests) - This Span will be skipped in case it wasn't captured before. Request: method: {HttpMethod}, URL: {RequestUrl}"