Elastic APM skip transactions and metrics

Kibana version: kibana-7.10.0

Elasticsearch version: elasticsearch-7.10.0

APM Server version: apm-server-7.10.0

APM Agent language and version: java : 1.19.0

Browser version: chrome 72.0.3626.121

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, deb, from source, etc.) and version: deb

Fresh install or upgraded from other version? Fresh install

  1. Is there any configuration in APM Agent by which we can skip collecting jvm information/metric?
  2. If i want to rely on manually instrumentation(using public api) only, is there any configuration for this use-case in apm agent?

I think you are looking for something as suggested in this issue. It is in the backlog, but no concrete plans to add that in the immediate timeframe...
If you read though, take a look at this comment, which also answers your first question -

If it is really about not collecting metrics, take a look at the disable_metrics configuration.

I hope this helps.

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