Elastic search fail to start

Hi Steve,

It looks like there are syntax errors in your elasticsearch.yml file. Did you check it ?



Thank you Ylasri adding the command xpack.ml.enabled: false into elasticsearch.yml made it work on Ubunto 20.04. sorry I couldn't reply to you yesterday as the chat limit exceeded
I was getting the hung of this Magento 2.4 version and came across this guy
https://digitalstartup.co.uk/t/how-to-install-magento-2-4-and-build-a-web-server/1607. He actually Installed on on cloudways VPS with Ubuntu 20.04 and it worked, therefor I assumed it works and didn't pay attention to elasticsearch website compatibility matrix, Magento documentations are very badly written with not very much explanation on many fronts, it says require
elasticsearch version 7.6 but doesn't even mention cross compatibility.

Hi Warkolm, Thank you for your reply I apologise this the first time using this forum I re edited the post with </> formatting, Ylasry was very helpful and saved the hour.

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Hi Dominique; Thank you for your reply, yes I validated the file however the solution suggested by Ylasri worked,Ubuntu 20.04 does not support elasticsearch 7.6 yet.

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