Elastic search not ingesting data

I suspect i am doing something blatantly wrong.
Logstash appears to be going through my data properly and showing the 5000 data points being sent to elastic search.
However when i look up the index in elastic search it shows only 5 events.
the configuration i used is as follows

The # character at the beginning of a line indicates a comment Use

comments to describe your configuration

input {
file {
path => "C:\Users\James Kazie\Desktop\ProV\Copy of Devices List 04-08-16 (72046).csv"
type => "ProV"
start_position => "beginning"



filter {
csv {

	columns => [
	separator => ","

source => "Agent.IpAddress"
date {
match => ["PulseInfo.LastPulse","dd/MM/YYYY HH:mm"]

mutate {rename => {"Agent.MachineName"=> "WADid"}}
mutate {rename => {"PulseInfo.IsOnline" => "LastOnline" }}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.MacAddress" => "MacAddress"}}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.Inventory.OperatingSystem.OsName" => "OS"}}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.Inventory.Computer.Model"=>"ComputerModel"}}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.DeviceAgentVersion" => "AgentVersion" }}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.IpAddress" => "IP"}}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.NetworkAddress" => "NetworkAddress"}}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.WriteFilter" => "WWF" }}
mutate {rename => {"Agent.IsInPersistance" => "Persistence"}}
mutate {rename => {"PulseInfo.LastPulse" => "LastPulse"}}

output {
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
index => "devicestatusprov"
document_id => "WADid"}
stdout {}

I realised my error, i should have used document_id => %{ID} my config was overwriting elastic search 5000 times

Why are you renaming the columns? Just set them to whatever you want in the CSV filter part and that is the fieldname that will be used.

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I mistook the use of the statement. As my file already had that column i thought i needed to specify. I am aware it is not needed now