Elasticsearch remove docs of Suricata

Hi, i am using Logstash to generate logs of IPS. But elasticsearch delete all docs except last one, i dont know why.

My Logstash config:
input {
file {
path => ["/var/log/suricata/eve.json"]
codec => "json"
type => "Suricata"
filter {
if [type] == "Suricata" {
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
ruby {
code => "if event['event_type'] == 'fileinfo'; event['fileinfo']['type']=event['fileinfo']['magic'].to_s.split(',')[0]; end;"

elasticsearch {
action => "index"
user => "elastic"
password => "system"
hosts => [""]
document_id => "suricata"

index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.DD}"



My log of suricata

In elasticsearch i have only 1 doc, all others are removed. Someone khow what i have to do for work as append mode ?

You have assigned the same document id to every document. What that results in is each successive document being re-indexed over the top of the previous one, replacing it.

Thanks, work fine. But now

Was there more to your reply, @brunopsitech? It just ends.