ELK - Kibana showing data that was already deleted, won't show new data

how are your file name /home/me/logs/*.log
are there all new file every time? or just one log file.

reason being. logstash does something and once you read mylog1.log it will mark as read and if you replace the file with new data logstash won't read it.
Because inode of that file is still same and logstash has mark as it is already read.

Here is how it works in linux.
if you delete the file and recreate it it will still uses inode. you can test it.

touch /tmp/test1
ls -i /tmp/test1
rm /tmp/test1 ; touch /tmp/test1
ls -i /tmp/test1

I had same problem. what I started doing is creating file by day of the month. so I will have 30+ file and I remove them before bringing them to system. and hence won't have same inode.