Enabling fingerprint file_identiy

Hey all,

I'm stuck with getting the fingerprint file_identity working. I have a few nfs mounts from which I'm reading log files. I tried enabling the fingerprint option in the scanner but it seems like it's not really being applied. I'm suspecting this cause when I run filebeat then unmount a share and remount it's again reading the log from the very beginning. I would expect it to identify it by the hash it generates from the first 0-1024 bytes correct? Is there any way to see if fingerprint is enabled and running within the filebeat logs?

Below is a snippet from my config file.

- type: filestream
  id: my-filestream-id
  enabled: true
    - /my/path/*/log/access.log
  prospector.scanner.fingerprint.enabled: true
  prospector.scanner.fingerprint.offset: 0
  prospector.scanner.fingerprint.length: 1024
  file_identity.fingerprint: ~

Thanks for any help in advance!

If I'm not wrong you also need to configure the file_identity to tell that it will use the fingerprint method.

From the documentation you would need add this to your input:

file_identity.fingerprint: ~

Sorry I did have that line already in my config just forgot to add it above. With that option set it's still reading the log from the beginning everytime I remount the share.

Ok after reinstalling filebeat on my hosts I now can see registry entries in /var/lib/filebeat/registry/filebeat/log.json. It seems to do the fingerprint and also store the offset. However when I umount and mount the share, it's still reading the log from the beginning. What am I missing here? The fingerprint seems to stay the same. Below are some line from the above log.json file.

Before umount


After mount


After setting clean_remove to false this works as expected.

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