Encountered a retryable error (will retry with exponential backoff) {:code=>413}

Elastic search and Logstash version: 8.5.1

Getting below error from logstash when trying to transfer files to elasticsearch. Could someone help me to fix the issue.

[ERROR][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch][main][532e27bbefdd100da799e4a7a4a8fe531f03b66dec4070a81ff7933a1cbb551f] Encountered a retryable error (will retry with exponential backoff) {:code=>413, :url=>"https://elasticsearhhostname:443/_bulk", :content_length=>1232671}

If you are sending data to ES in the cloud, check this.

Hi @Rios ,

 I tried setting up the max content length in elasticsearch.yml file as below. Pods are up and running without an issue but still could see same logs in logstash. 

Logs from Logstash pod:

@spinscale ,

 I have seen in few posts that you have provided different solution for the above issue, could you help me to resolve this and its happening in the production environment and I really got struck.


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