Encountered a retryable error. Will Retry with exponential backoff

Hi All,
I encountered the following error in the logstash server after updating Opensearh 1.3 to OpenSearch 2.3 in the AWS Kibana dashboard. The current configuration worked fine with 1.3 but after updating it to 2.3 it gave me the following error in logstash.

Any one Know to solve this issue?

[ERROR] 2022-11-22 11:28:29.818 [[main]>worker1] amazonelasticsearch - Encountered a retryable error. Will Retry with exponential backoff  {:code=>400, :url=>"<---url--->/_bulk"}

OpenSearch/OpenDistro are AWS run products and differ from the original Elasticsearch and Kibana products that Elastic builds and maintains. You may need to contact them directly for further assistance.

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