I tried to enrich alerting information with data from a logindex.
In Logstash I configured the following as a filter:
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
index => "logfile"
query => "Hostname:%{test_host} and ClientIP:"
fields => { "Hostname" => "lookedupHostname" }
result_size => 1
enable_sort => false
When I tried the Query in Kibana Discover I got the expected results, but the enrichment plugin fails to lookup information based on the query. It appears to struggle with the cidr notation for some reason.
When I remove the ClientIP part from the query it successfully resolves the lookup. The result here looks different than I would expect. The variable "test_host" and the value in the created lookup "lookedupHostname" would be the same, since I specified to store the lookedup field, but they are different.
Any ideas what the issues are and how to resolve them?
Thank you in advance.