We have been using the "Enterprise search (next as ENS)" product for a long time. The problem appeared after that when we updated our ENS to v8. Before was used 7.x.x (I can't remember version that have been used before). When we trying to start ENS on our Ubuntu server, we always get JAVA error about UTF8.
Found java executable in PATH
Java version detected: 11.0.13 (major version: 11)
Enterprise Search is starting...
ERROR: Encoding must be UTF-8!
Please set `JAVA_OPTS='-Dsun.jnu.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8'`
I tried to inspect (not so deeply, just a bit) bin/enterprise-search
sh file and found this:
So I think there are declared defaults JAVA_OPTS.
So, maybe someone had this problem? And knows how to fix this? Maybe any server settings cause this problem?
Thanks for any help and if there would be a need to know more data, let me know and I'll share.