We run logstash on k8s with centralized pipeline management, and I'm attempting to pass credentials into the containers as env vars. This has worked for everything but the azure_eventhubs
input plugin. Debug logging seems to indicate that the SAS_KEY
env var in this plugin:
azure_event_hubs {
codec => "json"
config_mode => "advanced"
threads => 5
decorate_events => true
storage_connection => "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<account_name>;AccountKey=${STORAGE_KEY};EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"
event_hubs => [
{"paas" => {
event_hub_connection => "Endpoint=sb://<event_hub_namespace>.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessKeyName=collector;SharedAccessKey=${SAS_KEY};EntityPath=paas"
consumer_group => "logstash"
storage_container => "azurelogscentralus-paas"
add_field => {
"[fields][logsource]" => "azure-paas"
is not interpolated, while the STORAGE_KEY
var is. Does interpolation not go into nested structures like this?