ERR Failed to publish events caused by: EOF graylog logstash filebeat

Hi everyone,
Im using Logstash on aws ecs (Docker), and using filebeat 5.6.1 to transfer logs to logstash, and output them to graylog, no data goes into graylog, and getting the following from filebeat log and logstash log:
filebeat log looks like that:

2017-09-25T17:01:07+03:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2017-09-25T17:01:14+03:00 ERR Failed to publish events caused by: EOF
2017-09-25T17:01:14+03:00 INFO Error publishing events (retrying): EOF
2017-09-25T17:01:37+03:00 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: libbeat.logstash.call_count.PublishEvents=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.read_errors=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.write_bytes=294 libbeat.logstash.published_but_not_acked_events=1918
2017-09-25T17:02:07+03:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2017-09-25T17:02:14+03:00 ERR Failed to publish events caused by: EOF
2017-09-25T17:02:14+03:00 INFO Error publishing events (retrying): EOF
2017-09-25T17:02:37+03:00 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: libbeat.logstash.call_count.PublishEvents=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.read_errors=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.write_bytes=294 libbeat.logstash.published_but_not_acked_events=1918
2017-09-25T17:03:07+03:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2017-09-25T17:03:14+03:00 ERR Failed to publish events caused by: EOF
2017-09-25T17:03:14+03:00 INFO Error publishing events (retrying): EOF
2017-09-25T17:03:37+03:00 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: libbeat.logstash.call_count.PublishEvents=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.read_errors=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.write_bytes=294 libbeat.logstash.published_but_not_acked_events=1918
2017-09-25T17:04:07+03:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2017-09-25T17:04:14+03:00 ERR Failed to publish events caused by: EOF
2017-09-25T17:04:14+03:00 INFO Error publishing events (retrying): EOF
2017-09-25T17:04:37+03:00 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: libbeat.logstash.call_count.PublishEvents=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.read_errors=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.write_bytes=294 libbeat.logstash.published_but_not_acked_events=1918

logstash log:

Sending Logstash's logs to /usr/share/logstash/logs which is now configured via
13:50:53.756 [main] INFO logstash.modules.scaffold - Initializing module {:module_name=>"netflow", :directory=>"/usr/share/logstash/modules/netflow/configuration"}
13:50:53.759 [main] INFO logstash.modules.scaffold - Initializing module {:module_name=>"fb_apache", :directory=>"/usr/share/logstash/modules/fb_apache/configuration"}
13:50:53.782 [main] INFO logstash.modules.scaffold - Initializing module {:module_name=>"arcsight", :directory=>"/usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/x-pack-5.6.1-java/modules/arcsight/configuration"}
13:50:53.796 [main] INFO logstash.setting.writabledirectory - Creating directory {:setting=>"path.queue", :path=>"/usr/share/logstash/data/queue"}
13:50:53.797 [main] INFO logstash.setting.writabledirectory - Creating directory {:setting=>"path.dead_letter_queue", :path=>"/usr/share/logstash/data/dead_letter_queue"}
13:50:53.842 [LogStash::Runner] INFO logstash.agent - No persistent UUID file found. Generating new UUID {:uuid=>"45f3944a-414a-44a5-8be8-b163916316d5", :path=>"/usr/share/logstash/data/uuid"}
13:50:54.161 [[main]-pipeline-manager] INFO logstash.pipeline - Starting pipeline {"id"=>"main", "pipeline.workers"=>2, "pipeline.batch.size"=>125, "pipeline.batch.delay"=>5, "pipeline.max_inflight"=>250}
13:50:54.699 [[main]-pipeline-manager] INFO - Beats inputs: Starting input listener {:address=>""}
13:50:54.743 [[main]-pipeline-manager] INFO logstash.pipeline - Pipeline main started
13:50:54.772 [[main]<beats] INFO - Starting server on port: 5044
13:50:54.821 [Api Webserver] INFO logstash.agent - Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600}
13:50:57.004 [Ruby-0-Thread-15: /usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/puma-2.16.0-java/lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:61] DEBUG logstash.agent - API HTTP Request {:status=>200, :request_method=>"PUT", :path_info=>"/_node/logging", :query_string=>"pretty", :http_version=>"HTTP/1.1", :http_accept=>"/"}
13:50:58.875 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG logstash.instrument.periodicpoller.cgroup - Error, cannot retrieve cgroups information {:exception=>"Errno::ENOENT", :message=>"No such file or directory - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/8a0c0d352bdf7602dd960b1bb936cc2532db0c4155442f5df158473de02b413c/cpuacct.usage"}
13:50:59.756 [Ruby-0-Thread-8: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:561] DEBUG logstash.pipeline - Pushing flush onto pipeline
13:51:03.880 [pool-2-thread-2] DEBUG logstash.instrument.periodicpoller.cgroup - Error, cannot retrieve cgroups information {:exception=>"Errno::ENOENT", :message=>"No such file or directory - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/8a0c0d352bdf7602dd960b1bb936cc2532db0c4155442f5df158473de02b413c/cpuacct.usage"}
13:51:04.757 [Ruby-0-Thread-8: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:561] DEBUG logstash.pipeline - Pushing flush onto pipeline
13:51:08.883 [pool-2-thread-1] DEBUG logstash.instrument.periodicpoller.cgroup - Error, cannot retrieve cgroups information {:exception=>"Errno::ENOENT", :message=>"No such file or directory - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/8a0c0d352bdf7602dd960b1bb936cc2532db0c4155442f5df158473de02b413c/cpuacct.usage"}
13:51:09.757 [Ruby-0-Thread-8: /usr/share/logstash/logstash-core/lib/logstash/pipeline.rb:561] DEBUG logstash.pipeline - Pushing flush onto pipeline

pipeline file logstash.conf:

input { beats { port => 5044 } }
output { gelf { host => "" } }

logstash config file logstash.yml: ""
path.config: /usr/share/logstash/pipeline
xpack.monitoring.enabled: false

- /home/tomcat/WEB-INF/logs/tomcat.log
input_type: log
hosts: [""]


RUN rm -f /usr/share/logstash/pipeline/logstash.conf
ADD pipeline/ /usr/share/logstash/pipeline/
ADD config/ /usr/share/logstash/config/
RUN /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-input-beats
RUN /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-output-gelf
RUN /usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-grok

Thanks for your help.

It looks like Filebeat is failing to communicate to the Logstash instance. Can you try running Filebeat with debug on to see if this provides additional information about the problem.

Also are you able to telnet to the logstash beats input port from the same machine that Filebeat is running?

This is what im getting:

2017-09-26T17:49:22+03:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG connect
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG Try to publish 1918 events to logstash with window size 1
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG handle error: EOF
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG closing
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG 0 events out of 1918 events sent to logstash. Continue sending
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG close connection
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 ERR Failed to publish events caused by: EOF
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 INFO Error publishing events (retrying): EOF
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG close connection
2017-09-26T17:49:48+03:00 DBG send fail
2017-09-26T17:49:52+03:00 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: libbeat.logstash.call_count.PublishEvents=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.read_errors=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.write_bytes=296 libbeat.logstash.published_but_not_acked_events=1918
2017-09-26T17:50:22+03:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG connect
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG Try to publish 1918 events to logstash with window size 1
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG handle error: EOF
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG closing
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG 0 events out of 1918 events sent to logstash. Continue sending
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG close connection
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 ERR Failed to publish events caused by: EOF
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 INFO Error publishing events (retrying): EOF
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG close connection
2017-09-26T17:50:48+03:00 DBG send fail
2017-09-26T17:50:52+03:00 INFO Non-zero metrics in the last 30s: libbeat.logstash.call_count.PublishEvents=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.read_errors=1 libbeat.logstash.publish.write_bytes=296 libbeat.logstash.published_but_not_acked_events=1918
2017-09-26T17:51:22+03:00 INFO No non-zero metrics in the last 30s

when telneting, the connection closed immediately: (this happens in one second)

telnet $LOGSTASH_HOST 5044
Connected to $LOGSTASH_HOST.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

That sounds like you weren't connected to Logstash. Logstash normally won't close the connection for 60 seconds. Maybe this is a config issue with the ELB (is it expecting HTTP)?

If I telnet to the beats input and send some garbage I will see an error in the LS logs. This could be a simple test to check if you are actually connected to the Logstash instance (vs just the load balancer). Another check would be to tcpdump the traffic on tcp port 5044 from inside the LS container.

telnet localhost 5044
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host

From Logstash I see:

[INFO ] 2017-09-26 15:19:51.992 [nioEventLoopGroup-4-1] BeatsHandler - Exception:$InvalidFrameProtocolException: Invalid Frame Type, received: 10, from: /

Thank you for all the help, i've managed to solve this, elb wasn't attached for somehow to the logstash ecs instance.

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