Error creating runner from config: failed to create input: Can only start an input when all related states are finished

Hello World :wink:

I'm tying to follow:

yet, I'm running into this error:

{"log.level":"error","@timestamp":"2023-11-09T01:40:40.122Z","log.logger":"autodiscover.cfgfile","log.origin":{"":"cfgfile/list.go","file.line":138},"message":"Error creating runner from config: failed to create input: Can only start an input when all related states are finished: {Id: native::2490710-65025, Finished: false, Fileinfo: &{dd-kb-c5cbbbc84-dkv2g_default_kibana-e4fda8e8074334216660a13f152a7cb05eb7f196f4bfcb0c4bfb751c503a70e6.log 149735 416 {31814004 63835090564 0xaaaaea1d77e0} {65025 2490710 33184 1 0 0 0 0 149735 4096 0 304 {1699459946 773759007} {1699493764 31814004} {1699493764 31814004} [0 0]}}, Source: /var/log/containers/dd-kb-c5cbbbc84-dkv2g_default_kibana-e4fda8e8074334216660a13f152a7cb05eb7f196f4bfcb0c4bfb751c503a70e6.log, Offset: 149735, Timestamp: 2023-11-09 01:37:21.021457304 +0000 UTC m=+25.235367305, TTL: -1ns, Type: container, Meta: map[], FileStateOS: 2490710-65025}","":"filebeat","ecs.version":"1.6.0"}

Please advise)
Thank you!

never mind)

after following

# To enable hints based autodiscover, remove `filebeat.inputs` configuration and uncomment this:

this issue is no more) another issue emerge, but that's outside of this thread


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