i am using Elasticstack of version 7.1.1 with x-pack installed.
I am trying to run journaldbeat 7.1.1 on my system but its showing the following error
2020-02-07T15:42:10.886+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:280 Setup Beat: journalbeat; Version: 7.1.1
2020-02-07T15:42:10.886+0530 DEBUG [beat] instance/beat.go:301 Initializing output plugins
2020-02-07T15:42:10.887+0530 DEBUG [publisher] pipeline/consumer.go:137 start pipeline event consumer
2020-02-07T15:42:10.887+0530 INFO [publisher] pipeline/module.go:97 Beat name: desktop
2020-02-07T15:42:10.887+0530 WARN [cfgwarn] beater/journalbeat.go:50 EXPERIMENTAL: Journalbeat is experimental.
2020-02-07T15:42:10.942+0530 INFO instance/beat.go:361 journalbeat stopped.
2020-02-07T15:42:10.942+0530 ERROR instance/beat.go:802 Exiting: error creating reader for journal: failed to open journal file: failed to open journals in paths ["/home/xxxx/Desktop/journald/system.journal"]: 93
Exiting: error creating reader for journal: failed to open journal file: failed to open journals in paths ["/home/Desktop/journald/system.journal"]: 93>
Exiting: error creating reader for journal: failed to open journal file: failed to open journals in paths ["/home/Desktop/journald/system.journal"]
but the file exists in that following path? cant able to understand whats wrong ?
Please help solve this:
- paths: ["/home/Desktop/journald/system.journal"]
seek: cursor
hosts: ["localhost:5044"]