Error in setting up the Metricbeat

Hi guys!!
I have a problem with Metricbeat V 7.16.2
I have two VPS, one of them for test another one is product environment.
I ran the metricbeat successfully on my test server, but in the production environment, I got this error:

2022-04-04T17:05:09.786+0430	ERROR	[index-management.ilm]	ilm/std.go:133	Index Alias metricbeat-7.16.2 setup failed: failed to create alias: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/%3Cmetricbeat-7.16.2-%7Bnow/d%7D-000001%3E] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}: 405 Method Not Allowed: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/%3Cmetricbeat-7.16.2-%7Bnow/d%7D-000001%3E] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}.
2022-04-04T17:05:09.786+0430	ERROR	instance/beat.go:1015	Exiting: failed to create alias: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/%3Cmetricbeat-7.16.2-%7Bnow/d%7D-000001%3E] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}: 405 Method Not Allowed: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/%3Cmetricbeat-7.16.2-%7Bnow/d%7D-000001%3E] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}
Exiting: failed to create alias: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/%3Cmetricbeat-7.16.2-%7Bnow/d%7D-000001%3E] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}: 405 Method Not Allowed: {"error":"Incorrect HTTP method for uri [/%3Cmetricbeat-7.16.2-%7Bnow/d%7D-000001%3E] and method [PUT], allowed: [POST]","status":405}

I search the internet but I can't find a fine solution.

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