ERROR logstash.agent - Cannot load an invalid configuration


ELK installed on Windows 2012 R2 and trying to capture Exchange message tracking. Everything is in D:\ELK and have ELK 5.3.2.

Running the command:
D:\ELK\logstash-5.3.2\bin\logstash -f D:\ELK\logstash-5.3.2\01-inputs.conf\exchange_msg_trk.conf --debug
...I get this error:
14:47:16.131 [LogStash::Runner] ERROR logstash.agent - Cannot load an invalid configuration {:reason=>"Expected one of #, } at line 38, column 32 (byte 1315) after output {\n elasticsearch { host => 127.0", :backtrace=>["D:/ELK/logstash-5.

My exchange_msg_trk.conf looks like this:

 #udp syslogs stream via 5141
input {
  udp {
    type => "Exchange"
    port => 5141

filter {
  if [type] == "Exchange" {
    csv {
            add_tag => [ 'exh_msg_trk' ]
            columns => ['logdate', 'client_ip', 'client_hostname',  'server_ip', 'server_hostname', 'source_context', 'connector_id', 'source', 'event_id', 'internal_message_id', 'message_id', 'network_message_id', 'recipient_address', 'recipient_status', 'total_bytes', 'recipient_count', 'related_recipient_address', 'reference', 'message_subject', 'sender_address', 'return_path', 'message_info', 'directionality', 'tenant_id', 'original_client_ip', 'original_server_ip', 'custom_data']
        remove_field => [ "logdate" ]
    grok {
        match => [ "message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}" ]
    mutate {
        convert => [ "total_bytes", "integer" ]
        convert => [ "recipient_count", "integer" ]
        split => ["recipient_address", ";"]
        split => [ "source_context", ";" ]
        split => [ "custom_data", ";" ]
    date {
        match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
        timezone => "Europe/London"
        remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]
    if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
          drop { }

output {
  elasticsearch { hosts => }
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }

I have tried all permutations I can think of for hosts => localhost,, hostname, with and without quotes, checked the file for invalid characters and am at a loss in solving this.

Could someone look at this with a fresh pair of eyes?

Solved. Changed
elasticsearch { hosts => }
elasticsearch { hosts => [ "localhost:9200" ] }
and it's working great

Maybe you issue were just the missing quotes around the host. Just checked my config an I have something like hosts => "IP:PORT" in it (no array notation).

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