Error parsing logs in Logstash

Hey guys,

I'm doing the 'Getting started with Logstash' tutorial at this moment.
link to tutorial

While I'm following all steps, I'm stuck at an error:

It's this error:

sudo bin/logstash -f first-pipeline.conf --config.reload.automatic
Sending Logstash's logs to /home/edward/Desktop/prototype/logstash-6.2.2/logs which is now configured via
[2018-03-02T14:29:44,862][INFO ][logstash.modules.scaffold] Initializing module {:module_name=>"netflow", :directory=>"/home/edward/Desktop/prototype/logstash-6.2.2/modules/netflow/configuration"}
[2018-03-02T14:29:44,945][INFO ][logstash.modules.scaffold] Initializing module {:module_name=>"fb_apache", :directory=>"/home/edward/Desktop/prototype/logstash-6.2.2/modules/fb_apache/configuration"}
[2018-03-02T14:29:46,424][WARN ][logstash.config.source.multilocal] Ignoring the 'pipelines.yml' file because modules or command line options are specified
[2018-03-02T14:29:46,534][FATAL][logstash.runner ] Logstash could not be started because there is already another instance using the configured data directory. If you wish to run multiple instances, you must change the "" setting.
[2018-03-02T14:29:46,647][ERROR][org.logstash.Logstash ] java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException: (SystemExit) exit

Anyone knows how to fix this problem?
I have searched all over the internet, but I couldn't find the solution.


Let's assume the the error is correct.

try doing a 'ps -ef | grep logstash' and see if there is one already running if so kill it

Thnx for the info. I have already fixed it.
The problem was that once it was already run and stopped, it didn't stop the Logstash.runner. I had to reboot the pc and run it once.

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