Error with Enroll Beat for Beats Management

Error while enrolling: fail to execute the HTTP POST request: Post https://kibana:5601/api/beats/agent/c6ffda0c-c395-421b-ac8b-41eb3e97fb81: dial tcp connect: connection refused

When I want to do an Enroll for Metricbeat, I get a connection error. Perhaps Metricbeat is trying to connect to port 5601, although link that Kibana gave does not have a port in address:

sudo metricbeat enroll ... here comes the hash ...

I use ubuntu 16.04 and elastics 7.1.1

Hi Pavel, thanks for reaching out. I'm researching this error & have reached out to other teammates that are working on beats management. I'll let you when I hear more from my teammates or when I make a break through.


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