Error writing to pipe, closing pipe

Hi ,
I am trying to call a java file using logstash in output using pipe .

stdin {}

code => "
event['id']'/elkt/software/bkup/logstash-1.5.4/bin/', &:readline)
add_field => [ "id", "%{id}" ]



pipe {
command => "java HelloWorld %{id}"
stdout {codec => rubydebug}

passing the parameters it is showing this error saying that

Error writing to pipe, closing pipe. {:command=>"java HelloWorld '12321321\n", :pipe=>#<PipeWrapper:0x4bb4e0e2 @pipe=#<IO:fd 422>, @active=true>, :level=>:error}

id was :-12321321

add_field => [ "id", "%{id}" ]

This isn't necessary.

command => "java HelloWorld %{id}"

This assumes that HelloWorld.class is in the current directory (or otherwise in the classpath) when the JVM is started. I wouldn't assume anything about the current directory. Try changing the command to cd /some/path && java HelloWorld %{id}.