thanks a lot for your reply. I am using Packetbeat - 5.1.2 (My Kibana and also Elastic are 5.1.2) from elasticsearch repo.
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/packetbeat-*/dns/_search?pretty&q=dns.question.etld_plus_one:2" outputs :
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/packetbeat-2017.01.23/_mapping/field/dns.question.*" outputs :
Hi Martin, could you please post your question to Beats - Discuss the Elastic Stack and then let's move the discussion there.
Please include what version of Packetbeat you are using.
I noticed that the by_domain bucket keys are strange in your results. The keys should always end in dots (like google.com. or amazon.co.uk.). If you run a query like curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/packetbeat-*/dns/_search?pretty&q=dns.question.etld_plus_one:2" this should show some documents that correspond to the "2" domain. Please include this info in your post.
What is the output of the following query to show the field mappings being used the dns.question dictionary?
curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/packetbeat-2017.01.23/_mapping/field/dns.question.*"
Hi Andrew,
I wanted to test DNS tunneling detection with ES 5.1.2 ( https://github.com/elastic/examples/tree/master/packetbeat_dns_tunnel_detection1 ) based on Detecting DNS Tunnels with Packetbeat and Watcher | Elastic Blog that you wrote some time ago, however i came to problem with output of painless script / unique_hostnames_watch.json script.
It outputs really weird domains, ie. domain “com” or “1”,”2” or "support" and so on. I attached output from :
curl -XPUT http://localhost:9200/_watcher/watch/_execute?pretty -d@unique_hostnames_watch.json
I am relatively new to elasticsearch/kibana/packetbeam and i was unable to reverse whats going on and where parsing of dns.question.etld_plus_one field fails. This leads me to three conclusions :
1/ i made some ridiculous mistake and my parsing is not working as it should
2/ guide you provided produce in our infrastructure huge amount of false-positive requests (I was unable to find them with Discovery tool in Kibana)
3/ dunno whats going on because i am new to elasticstack
Moreover i was unable to create visualisation Kibana like you described in elastic.co blog - like https://www.elastic.co/assets/blt8aad375573dc7783/unique-fqdn-per-domain.png . I am able to create graph of requests per unique domains, but not for unique FQDNs per Second level domain. I would like to setup our infrastructure in next 30 days and then request for X-PACK pricing offer from elastic because of Alerting feature is payed.
I would be really happy to hear some advices from you.