Esrally benchmark run with(/out) refresh_interval param doesn't show any difference in runtime

Hi Rick.

It's a three step to run the test that I am following:

  1. Esrally install - to install the elastic
  2. Esrally start - to start the elasticsearch (before starting, edit the elasticsearch and jvm to add the respective parameters)
  3. Esrally race run , below command and it's params.

esrally race --preserve-install --distribution-version=7.16.0 --track=eventdata --track-repository=eventdata --challenge=index-logs-fixed-daily-volume --track-params="index_prefix:'test12',bulk_indexing_clients:12,number_of_shards:4,daily_logging_volume:'3GB',number_of_days:1,refresh_interval:'-1'"
