Esrally-elastic mutual TLS

Hey @fara,

Just to be on the safe side are you able to issue:

curl --cacert /tmp/cacert.pem -u elastic:<yourpassword>

Also your esrally command is missing the username and password for Rally. It should look like:

esrally --track=pmc --target-hosts= --pipeline=benchmark-only --client-options="use_ssl:true,verify_certs:true,ca_certs:'/tmp/cacert.pem',client_cert:'/tmp/client_cert.pem',client_key:'/tmp/client_key.pem',basic_auth_user:'user',basic_auth_password:'password'"

I quickly verified the above command against a simple TLS enabled cluster in Docker and it worked fine.

Also note (depending on the SSL verification mode value on ES), that you don't always need to specify the client_key.
