Exclude particular domain name in logstash grok filter section


I want to exclude the some domain name *.com in my messages while storing into elasticsearch.

How to mention in grok filter section ?


You don't do it in grok, you should grok the message and then drop it - https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-drop.html - using a conditional.


I have tried like this below but its not work for me.

if [hostname] == "domain name" {
drop { }

Without knowing what the hostname field actually looks like we can't tell what's wrong.


The hostname field actually looks like *.abc.com


It's literally "*.abc.com" or a string that ends with ".abc.com", like "some-random-hostname.abc.com"? In the latter case use a regexp match conditional:

if [hostname] =~ /\.abc\.com$/ {
  drop { }