There is already an output.elasticsearch configuration in the original docker image, what should I do to close it?
If I set output.elasticsearch.enable: false, how can I output the template of apm-server to elasticsearch?
There are a lot of errors on apm ui, I don’t know what’s going on
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: apm-server-config labels: app: apm-server data: apm-server.yml: |- apm-server: host: "" rum: enabled: true allow_origins: '*' source_mapping.enabled: true setup.template.enabled: true setup.template.overwrite: true setup.template.append_fields: - name: http.request.headers type: group dynamic: true - name: http.response.headers type: group dynamic: true - name: transaction.custom type: group dynamic: true - name: type: group dynamic: true apm-server.kibana: enable: true host: "" output.elasticsearch: enable: false hosts: [""] kafka: enable: true hosts: ["","",""] topics: - topic: 'apm-%{[processor.event]}' partition.round_robin: reachable_only: false required_acks: 1 compression: gzip max_message_bytes: 1000000 kibana: enable: true host: "" path: /kibana --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: apm-server spec: selector: app: apm-server type: ClusterIP ports: - protocol: TCP port: 8200 targetPort: 8200 --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: apm-server spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: apm-server template: metadata: labels: app: apm-server spec: containers: - name: apm-server image: apm-server:7.7.1 ports: - containerPort: 8200 name: apm-port volumeMounts: - name: apm-server-config mountPath: /usr/share/apm-server/apm-server.yml readOnly: true subPath: apm-server.yml volumes: - name: apm-server-config configMap: name: apm-server-config