I cannot find where in the docs it explains how string interpolation with %{myvar}
works... Is there an explanation?
I have an "http" output which uses the "mapping" config to control the structure of the output like so:
output {
http {
keepalive => false
retry_non_idempotent => true
automatic_retries => 3
request_timeout => 10
socket_timeout => 10
format => "json"
http_method => "post"
url => "https://example.com/data.json"
content_type => "application/json"
mapping => { "foo" => "%{foo}"
"bar" => "%{bar}" }
If I have a "foo" in the event, then it works properly. However, if I do not have a "foo", then in my ouput it get the literal string "%{foo}". That's definitely not what I want... it should be a blank string.
Is that expected behavior?
If so, is there a way to populate a default value for something that's missing?