Extract hour and weekday from custom date time field

for extracting hour and weekday from Activity-Time field the logstash snippet is as below:


match => [ "Activity-Time", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]

target => "Activity-Time-New"

add_field => {"hour" => "%{+HH}"}

add_field => {"weekday" => "%{+EEE}"}


But by default it takes UTC time only @timestamp one , can you please guide what additional is required as i need to extract hour and weekday from Activity- Time, below is its format, and kibana snapshot i have attached

2020-06-03 03:30:50

This might help:

and I think that you need to write .time.localtime if you don't want to use UTC for the hour and weekday, but your local timezone.

@Jenni Please check the below code where i am doing wrong please guide

ruby {

code => "event.set('read_time' , event.get('Activity-Time').time.localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))"



#match => [ "Activity-Time", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]

#target => "Activity-Time-New"

add_field => {"hour" => "%{+HH}"}

add_field => {"weekday" => "%{+EEE}"}


I hope now there is no need of match and target row, please check if syntax is correct as it is still not working there is something wrong. Please guide

What I meant it that you should use the Timestamp object (in the field Activity-Time-New) that you had already created with your date filter and then use strftime in ruby to create the two additional fields based on that instead of using add_field => ….

@Jenni I tried the same but still i am getting UTC time and weekday, not the local one, please guide me where i am doing the mistake in code, please guide me syntax wise:


match => [ "Activity-Time", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ]

target => "Activity-Time-New"


ruby {

code => "event.set('read_time' , event.get('Activity-Time-New').time.localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))"

add_field => {"hour" => "%{+HH}"}

add_field => {"weekday" => "%{+EEE}"}


I meant …strftime('%a') and …strftime('%H') so you could create the two fields with two lines of ruby code.

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